Its never too late…

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“It is never too late to be what you might have been.” ~ George Elio


You have all the time in the world yet time waits for nobody. It’s easy to get to in a tug of war between both sentiments. On one hand I feel incredibly overwhelmed by how quickly time seems to be slipping away from me. I’m not where I’d thought I’d be or achieved the things I dreamed of years ago. Yet on the other hand I am constantly reminding myself that there is still a long road ahead, the race is not for the swift its okay to take everything in its strides and soak in the view along the way, thats the only way you can breath in the beauty and wonder that surrounds us daily. No matter where the pendulum swings you  towards, don’t just let life happen to you. It’s never too late to fight for your dreams and more importantly be the person you want to be.

You may not be where you thought you’d be by now in your life but that shouldn’t stop you from living and making an impact in your world. The gap between where you are and where you want to be can be overcome by a series of small steps, small acts of bravery, small decisions from listening to voice of faith and silencing the voice of inadequacy. Don’t fold your arms and give up because it hasn’t happened yet, but stretch them out to push against the forces of inertia, disappointment and fear, meeting them with strength, tenacity, and a whole lot of heart. and if by chance it doesn’t happen, its never too late to dream a new dream.

You’ve come this far by grace and grace will lead you home.

georgeeliotitisnevertoolatetobe copy


“Homo sum, humani nihil a me alienum puto”

Like so many, the news of what happend in Connecticut broke my heart, it made me question how someone can do such a heinous act. Then I was reminded of the quote by the Roman playwright Terence “Homo sum, humani nihil a me alienum puto“, which translates to

“I am a human being, I consider nothing that is human alien to me.”.

I had first this quote a while ago whilst watching a Masterclass by the great Maya Angelou, so immediately I searched for the video and was blown away again by Maya’s words of wisdom.

She says in the video;

“Always be aware that you are a child of God… what I pray for is humility to know there is something greater than I, and I have to know that the brute, the bigot and the batterer are all children of God, whether they know it or not.  And I’m supposed to treat them accordingly….and it’s hard… and I blow it all the time. I’d like everybody to think of a statement by Terence “I am a human being. Nothing human can be alien to me.” If you can at least internalize a portion of that you will never be able to say of a criminal act ,”oh I couldn’t do that,” no matter how heinous the crime you have to say, if a human being did it, I have in me all of the components that are in her or in him. I intend to use my energies constructively as supposed to destructively.  If you can do that about the negative, just think about what you can do about the positive. If a human being dreams a great dream, dares to love somebody; if a human being dares to be Martin King, or Mahatma Gandhi, or Mother Theresa, or Malcolm X; if a human being dares to be bigger than the condition into which she or he was born—it means so can you. And so you can try to stretch, stretch, stretch yourself so you can internalize, ‘Homo sum, humani nil a me alienum puto’. I am a human being, nothing human can be alien to me.’ – That’s one thing I’m learning.

Try  to be all you can be. Try to live your life that you will not regret years of inertia and timidity, take up the baton, its yours, its your life, its your world. Make it a better world just where you are, its up to us.

I encourage the you to watch the whole of Maya Masterclass (link below) , it will move you, cause you to look within yourself, have an ah ha moment and most importantly inspire you to be greater.


Lots of Love


What I Know to be True

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Over the past few months I’ve been re-discovering what I call my “What I know to be true”.

Everyone has a world view, basic beliefs, fundamentals and existential convictions. They shape our decisions, relationships, levels of confidence, our behaviour which essentially determines what we become in this life.

I believe its good to take stock of what they are, since they are so pivotal to why I do what I do. Eventually these are the things that will determine my path on this journey.

I’d thought I’d share a few of mine. This list is by no means exhaustive or in order but here we go….

1. We’re all called

The very fact that your breathing at this precise moment means that you have a responsibility to make a contribution towards humanity.

2. We’re here for a purpose

The real work of your life is to figure out your function—your part in the whole—as soon as possible, and then get about the business of fulfilling it as only you can.

3. Nobody can do you better that you.

A fish cannot drown in water. A bird does not fall in air. Each creature God made must live in its own true nature.

4. There is no greater gift you can give or receive than to honor your calling.

It’s why you were born and its where you become most true divine and authentic self.

5. Just because your alive does not mean your living

6. If the only prayer you ever say is thank you, that will be enough. ( Meister Eckhart.)

7. I have a responsibility to try and leave this world in a better state than when I first entered it.

8. God has the final say

9. There’s beauty in this world – Go find it!

10. Each day brings a new chance to start over- you can always turn the page

12. There is nothing more powerful than love, love liberates.

13. Love always prevails

14. There’s purpose even in the pain

15. That small voice within will never steer you wrong. Be still and know it.

16. The fear of striking out should not keep you from playing the game

17. Life is a journey.

“I am learning every day to allow the space between where I am and where I want to be to inspire me and not terrify me. I can even ask for help! Not feeling that I have to know everything, and that’s where the growth comes in, in the not knowing.” -Tracee Eliss Ross

18. Significance does not come from status because you can always find someone who has more that you. It comes from serving.

19. If my dream is just for myself and family, its not big enough

20. Hope can move mountains

21. There is power in surrender, allow yourself to lean.

22. There is nothing more important than being known and coming to know him

23. Every now and then its imperative to just Selah…

24. Our similarities are greater than our differences

25. Storms come, storms go, my anchor is in him alone.

26. The biggest adventure you can ever take is to live the life of your dreams.

27. You can have it all

 “I can’t tell you how much I long for you to enter this wide-open, spacious life. We didn’t fence you in. The smallness you feel comes from within you. Your lives aren’t small, but you’re living them in a small way. I’m speaking as plainly as I can and with great affection. Open up your lives. Live openly and expansively!” 2 Corinthians 6 (MSG)

28. Jesus = Hope for Humanity

29. Deep down we want to be known. We want someone to say ‘I see you. I hear you. And what you say matters to me.’

30. The best is yet to come …

What are some of your “What I know to be True”?



We All Need Saving…..sometimes

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I’ve had an amazing couple of weeks largely due to Colour conference which attended last week. There were many highlights of Colour. One was hearing Sheila Walsh, who I’d never heard of prior. She started by recounting a time when she had to speak to a bunch of women in Palm Springs, her opening line was “I just got released from a psychiatric hospital 6 weeks ago” we all laughed thinking she was clearly joking, sadly she wasn’t. She carried on explaining the chain of events that led her to being institutionalised. How she buried the hurt of her past and broken family history under ministry. This eventually lead her to having a breakdown live on national TV where she hosted a Christian talk show. Whilst listening to her I could not help but think of how brave this woman is. Right in front of 6000 women she didn’t know, she exposed the deepest darkest hours of her life. Her honesty was truly humbling and many lives were forever changed because of her.

Women are such amazing beings. Our strength and tenacity is unparalleled. We do what we need to ensure our children have the best possible start in this world, juggle numerous jobs, come home and nurture our family, always willing to pour out more of ourselves than we knew even existed, ensuring each and every last drop of our being is spread out to the ones we love.

Daily we put on our make-up, not the physical kind but the one that hides our scars, conceals our open wounds and carry on with the day-to-day. We hide behind being busy, ambition, ministry, family, inauthentic relationships and even a smile. The sad truth is if we don’t deal with what’s underneath it will eventually deal with us. We may not end up a psychiatric hospital, but unless we face our truths we will spend the rest of our lives institutionalised behind invisible bars that limit and stop us from truly flourishing.

The simple truth is that at one point in all our lives we all need saving, we all need to someone to lean on. I’ve personally learnt that I am the only one who truly suffers from building walls that were meant to protect myself. The walls I build don’t only stop people from getting in, it also  stops me from getting out and stops anyone from hearing my cries of distress.

One of my favourite lines from the song below is

“the time that we fill while we’re on the earth should not be alone, we were meant to be known, you make me what I’m worth”

“You make me what I’m worth” that didn’t sit well with me at first. Then I was reminded of what I heard Judah Smith speak about a few months ago. He spoke of how God within himself is a community, God the father, Son and Holy Spirit. If we want to reflect the image of God, it’s impossible to do it alone. We are intended for community. He went on to describe the church as God’s portrait being painted. We all are living stones, valuable all by ourselves but when we get together were of greater value, a value built around the chief cornerstone. What good is a stone by itself. Our destiny is tied to who we are connected to.

He then said something that really rocked me to my core

“You need me and I need you”

Now for the kind of person I am those word were like my worst nightmare. The idea of our lives being interdependent to someone who thrives on independency and would gladly shut the world outside and have a party of one is alarming, but we were not meant to do life alone, we can’t influence or impact others if were not willing to let people in.

I have a new phrase stuck up right by my bed saying “If one woman can change her world, imagine what ONE COMPANY of women can do”

We’re stronger together than we are apart.

We need to be our sisters/brothers keepers. Ask each other genuinely, How are you doing? Not nonchalantly, but looking into those eyes, knowing that persons well-being is interdependently linked to yours. Why? Because the body is made of many parts, when one part hurts we all hurt.

We have to be honest with ourselves and each other, willing to answer back that I’m hanging on a thin thread, every stride I’m taking is by faith. You’ll eventually find out that you’re not alone, someone else has been in your shoes and knows exactly how you’re feeling.

I may not be able to take away your scars, but together we can peel off the make up, I can help you carry that load to the ultimate saviour, to the one whose yoke is easy and burden is light.

So yes, you need me but I also need you. If we all get that, imagine what we can all build together.


When watching a movie I always want grab the remote and fast-forward to the good and juicy part, the climax of the story. I sometimes I wish my life had a remote control.

Subconsciously I’ve been sleeping through certain seasons in my life, I was there but not really there. I couldn’t wait to hurry through my pre teen years and get on to being a real teenager, then when I was a teenager I couldn’t wait to finally go on to university where I could finally be independent.  At university I couldn’t wait to have that man come and rescue me from my singleness, surely he would ride in on a white horse and  just sweep me off my feet and change my life. I can imagine how the story would continue, I get married, then I can’t wait to hold that first baby in my arms, then they come. I now can’t wait for the moment when I don’t have to change dirty diapers every single day, the story continues.

If you’re like me we have to be careful not to sleepwalk through seasons of our lives because we’re trying to hurry and get to the next new exciting part.

Remember when Mary Magdalene went to the tomb after Jesus died, she was so consumed with her tears that she didn’t realise that the man behind her was Jesus who she had been looking for. It’s possible that as we’re trying so hard to quickly travel through this season of our life, we miss something really precious.

“Jacob awoke from his sleep and said, “Surely the LORD is in this place, and I wasn’t even aware of it!”  Genesis 28vs16

If you look at the context of that scripture you realise that Jacob was on a journey, he had to leave Beersheba which was his home, his place of comfort. He was basically on the run on the way to a place called Haran. He was told in Haran he would meet his rich uncle and find a new wife, Haran represented a place of high hopes.

All of us are on a journey, in between our Beersheeba and Haran, the place where we have been and the place of high hopes we have set for the future. The problem is there’s a middle bit. Jacob referenced it as the ‘certain place’. It was a place where the sun of his hope had started to fade, where despair and fatigue started settling in. It’s a place where you feel underwhelmed, you thought you’d be further along at your job by now, that promotion should have been yours, you should have been married by now, everything should have been figured out by now. When Jacob’s anticipation and expectation for his future started to grow dark, he just decided do what we all do, give up and go to sleep.

Jacob later came to know that place was in fact a sacred place. That certain place you’re in that is difficult, that you’re trying to wish away, wanting to press the fast-forward button, may have been a surprise to you but it’s not a surprise to God. For before the foundations of the world he had that journey mapped out from beginning to the end. It was in that place that Jacob heard for the first time the voice of God, he saw him with his own two eyes, right in that dark and unfamiliar place.

In that certain place, he was surrounded by stones. Yet instead of picking it up and hurling a stone in frustration he used it as a pillow. He realised how to maximise the potential of the hard stuff on his journey, there is good stuff that is hidden away in the hardness of life. Too many of us want to see miracles in our lives yet rarely want to be in those actually seasons of life where miracles occur. We want God to move as long as it doesn’t mean that we’ll have to face a Red Sea with Pharaohs army behind us, but without the Red Sea no miracle can happen.  Without Lazarus dying he cannot be raised back to life. There’s good in the midst of the hardness.

In that certain place God spoke to him in a dream, he confirmed his promise to him. There’s a difference hearing the promises of God in a place of comfort vs hearing it in that certain place. When life does not affirm, God will go out of his way to confirm he is who he says he is. He moved heaven and earth to make sure his beloved son knew his promises still stood true. Have you ever heard a sermon on Sunday and wonder how the pastor knew exactly what you were praying to God about, wondering if the church had bugged your house.  That is God going out of his way to confirm his word to you even in that certain place.

God told him something peculiar to me, he told him ‘One day I will bring you back to this land’. I don’t know about you but when I’m in that certain season of my life, the place where the sun has set, the last thing I would want God to say is, we’re coming back. I’m trying to hurry my way through it, not revisit it again. When Jacob heard that, he awakened with new eyes, he looked around him and said “How awesome is this place”.  This was the same place that he fell asleep in, the same place that was just a pit stop to his real destination.

When we’re racing to our desired destination, often times we have little concern for the relationships, the decisions, the choices that were making in that certain place. We’re just trying to get through it, but when you know that your going to return, that the decisions you make now are going to matter later, it causes you to look at that season you’re in with brand new eyes. For what you have to return to, will definitely concern you. You realise the seed you sow right now will be the harvest you reap tomorrow.

So whatever that certain place is for you, realise that God is there, tread carefully for that place matters on your journey.The seed you sow today is going to matter, so make sure you’re sowing good seeds, even in those stony patches.  The decisions you’re making today are going to matter. You may be tempted to go asleep right now but keep those eyes open. Don’t sleepwalk through this season of your life,  it’s not here by chance.  In the race to move on to the next phase of your journey, don’t miss out on what God has for you right now. Yes we have great things in store for us in the future, but right now we’re here, so wake up to it and be present in it today.

“Wake Up Sleeper, rise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you”

Ephesians 5 vs 14

My Prayer today: Lord help me to wake up and be fully present in this part my journey.

Single on Valentines day

It’s here again *deep sigh*

I can see it now, on the train home from work surrounded by all the “lucky chosen ones”. Carrying their beautiful bouquets and scrumptious chocolates, they’re all overtly lovey dovey with their partners, its like they’re screaming out “You’re single, I’m not hahaha!”

To many singles, Valentines day is just another sad reminder that they’ve still been left up on the shelf. With the world (and sometimes family) bombarding us, telling us that we have a sell by date that’s fast approaching, its easy to get bitter on this day. If that be true I prefer to think of us as good fine wine that gets better with time, rather than some slowly decomposing organism. The aging of wine significantly improves its quality and distinguishes it from most of the other consumable goods.

Fair enough the shelf analogy is truly depressing. It paints the picture that we’re to spend the rest of our lives just waiting to get picked. If that’s the case you most definitely won’t find this fine wine sitting stagnantly on the shelf.

“Miss, it’s now your turn” An excited girl jumps up, this is the moment she’s been waiting for all her life.The rest of the woman sitting in the reception lobby, let out a disgruntled sigh. They eye her up and down, thinking who does she think she is? I’ve been waiting here longer than her, yet she strolls in and instantly gets picked. What does she have that I haven’t got?  I’m better looking than her, more mature, I bring more to the table.

What makes her better than me?

It seems like a lot of single woman spend their lives, sitting in this lobby, waiting for their names to be called out. They sit there patiently and expectantly. Exchanging dreams of one day been called.

They build their whole lives around this monumental occasion, when will it finally be my turn? When will my Mr Right come and get me?

Each time a guy walks in, the same thought crosses their mind, “could it be him…”

Look what Paul says in Ephesians 4

While I’m locked up here, a prisoner for the Master, I want you to get out there and walk—better yet, run!—on the road God called you to travel. I don’t want any of you sitting around on your hands. I don’t want anyone strolling off, down some path that goes nowhere. MSG

Now I’m not saying we shouldn’t be hopefully or expectant about what lies ahead, I’m the most up in the clouds person you can speak to about love, I’m truly excited about what lies ahead for me. However I refuse to allow that desire to cripple me.

This is the time when we can fully chase after our dreams and passions without constraint. Stop waiting for the perfect conditions to start living your life, truth is, you’ll be waiting a very long time. The people you envy, the ones you would swap places with in a heartbeat are probably looking at you thinking “What an amazing time of opportunity she’s in”.

Get out there, learn a new language, start crossing off items on your bucket list, go travelling. That charity work you’ve always dreamed of doing, do it. Learn a new hobby, develop yourself mentally and spiritually,  jump off a plane and parachute 3,500 feet if you must. Just live!!!

Chances are, that thing you’ve been waiting for will find you when your out there doing the things you love most. Make sure you have a fruitful life to invite someone into.

As you travel on your exciting God purposed journey, know that you are loved. You don’t have to feel lonely because he’s never left your side. You were specially hand-picked. Loved so passionately that he laid his life down for you. Gifted with every spiritual blessing you could ever need. Each and every day he finds new ways to display he’s love for you. His love is incomparable and its available not just today but every day of your life. I hope you don’t forget to make him your Valentine today and all the days that follow.

P.S  Been going though my favourite old Whitney songs and this seems like a perfectly fitting song, he truly fills me up.

The alarm is sounding

The alarm is sounding, it has been for a while. Yet for too long we’ve been hitting the snooze button. Afraid to leave our place of comfort, of security and face what we’re all called to do.

Learn to do good;   Seek justice, Rebuke the oppressor; Defend the fatherless, Plead for the widow.

 Isaiah 1 vs 17

This is the heartbeat of our God.

We live our lives laying in our beds, saying  “Lord I offer you my heart!” but he wants more than that, he wants your entire being. We’re supposed to be the feet and hands of God. What does that mean? It means we exist to go into the high ways and by ways and seek and save that which is lost and bring justice where there is injustice.

Look around the world, it’s no longer business as usual. If what we do in here, has no effect on what’s going out there, then what’s the point.

And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.

Micah 6:8

All of us can do that. 

As a Christian its easy to fall into the trap of being busy for God that we lose sight of what is most important.

“By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”

John 13:35

I am one of those annoyingly emotional people who cries whenever I see something that tugs at my heart strings. I thought that meant that I had love and compassion for others, regardless of whether I knew them or not. That was not the case at all because I confused compassion with sympathy. Sympathy and emotion do not change the world in the innings of itself, only compassion does. Compassion always leads to an action, the Good Samaritan is the perfect example of that. Its says that he saw him (was awakened), took pity on him, then went to him (Luke 10vs 33-34). The religious people all saw him but did nothing because they were so busy going about their religious activity. Compassion is never compassion unless you’re compelled to  cross the street, get up from your bed and go to the lost, broken and marginalised. We are the evidence of God’s presence on earth. The world’s is eagerly awaiting us. If we don’t go, then who will? Justice should be who we are cause it’s who he is.

We can’t keep saying ‘I don’t want to have anything to do with that big bad world out there’. God never gave us an escape patch, he said as you send me I send them, not for feasting or gathering but so they can be the manifest presence of God on the earth. The world will  know that God is alive cause his church is awake, we are his church. We all need to stop pressing the snooze button, its only when your awake that u can see, you can hear, you can taste. For a long time its like our senses as the church, as a body, has been dulled, been asleep, whilst the world has been in need.

I was overwhelmed when I heard Christine Caine from A21 talk about one of the biggest injustices facing humanity today, human trafficking. Today there are more people in slavery than ever recorded in history at any time. 27 million  is an overwhelming number, but I put that number next to a even more gigantic number, 2 billion. There are over 2 billion Christians in the world today, 2 billion people who are supposed to be the expression of God himself on the earth. What would the world look like if these 2 billion people awaken to take up his cause and chase after his heart? The problems may be overwhelming but it only takes each of us doing our little part, to change the world.

Christine later told a story about her daughter. They were visiting the US and went to Wal-Mart because her daughter wanted a Barbie flash light. As soon as she got it she put the batteries in and shouted “Mummy! Can we please go and find some darkness” . That little girl knew what a lot of us have seemed to forgotten along the way, light only works best in one place.

We are the light of the world, not the light of the church, not the light of my man-made surroundings that bring comfort to me, the light of the world. Yes we may have a lot of darkness around us, but he also says “you are from God and have overcome them, for he who is in you is greater than he who is in the world” (1 John 4:4).

So switch that alarm off, get up and lets find some darkness.

Journey to the Unknown

In a few hours 2011 will just be a distant memory. For me 2011 has been a very strange year for me, unlike other years, there has not been any huge highlights (bar my sister’s wedding) or major goals accomplished, its been a quiet year. Not due to any lack of enthusiasm or determination on my part. You see I decided this year to do something I’ve never really done before. Surrender.

For most of us our paths in lives are all lined up for us even before we begin, you know exactly what your expected to do. You go through secondary school, then college, then university, then you get a job, then ………….. well your on your own. The path becomes fuzzy after that.

The world (and my parents lol) tell me my next goal should be to get married. My mum keeps echoing how by the time she was 25, she was married with 2 kids blah blah blah. I find it so funny how a few years ago, the topic of the opposite sex wouldn’t have even been mentioned in my house now it seems to be the most popular dinner topic, oh the joys of growing up.

I could spend the rest of my life going along this fuzzy line, marriage, mortgage, career progression, all the while looking to my peers to see what their doing, to make sure I’m keeping up with the rest of the pack. Eventually I’ll have kids it will then be my duty to make sure they go along the same path as seamlessly as possible and the cycle continues. Surely there must be more to life than this.

Well I’ve chosen to get off that path to ask myself some very simple questions like, What do I want out of  my life?

I would love to report that after a year of deliberation I finally have all the answers to my questions, wrong!

This year I decided to take my hands off the wheel of the car I’ve been driving  along my predetermined path for the past 22 years. Instead I swapped seats with the passenger in my car, God. You see previously if I got lost along the way, I would always lean over and ask him for directions (he was good at that), he was also great listener (highly recommended) and if I got into any sticky situations he could always quickly grab the wheel to make sure I didn’t run myself of the road, but once we were in the clear I’d take my position again and carry along as normal. He was my perfect shot-gun passenger, but I decided to change it up a little bit. So now I’m riding shot-gun, it’s a lot harder than I thought. I have no clue where were going, were on a completely new path than before and he’s not very forthcoming with information.

I’m always asking him,

What’s up the road?!!

How long will it take till we get there?!!!

He gives me nothing!!! It’s very frustrating, but hey he’s in charge now.

Let me let you in on a secret I’ve learnt whilst observing him,  even in God’s silence he’s never still. I’ve never seen him take his hands off the wheel or pull over for a little nap, no he just keeps moving. The road isn’t exactly smooth, sometimes we hit some major bumps along the way that make me want to scream, but funny thing is when I look across at him he never seems fazed by it, its like he’s taken this path before. After a year on the road, I’ve learnt to be still and trust he knows what he’s doing.

So unlike so many at this time of the year, I cannot write down any new years resolutions or goals for 2012, because now you understand that I’m on an unknown journey. I have no clue what is ahead of me so I can’t make any promises or predictions, I only know that as long as he’s got his hands on the wheel, 2012 will be a smooth ride.

I hope as you enter the New Year, you know who’s driving your car and you trust they’re leading you along the right path.

Have a stunning New Year

Mayowa xxx

I Am Amazing


Have you ever had one of those days when you look in the mirror and feel like screaming ‘Who is that?!’  Well that was me today. After a very dreadful visit to the dentist last week I’ve been in a lot of pain and it’s really affected my mood. I literally felt like putting a plastic bag over my face before I left the house. I looked and felt dreadful.

I realise that most of the time I allow the way I look to dictate my mood and feeling towards myself. When I feel I look good, then I am a better version of myself; confident, bold, secure, ready to face the world. On a day like today I feel pretty small, like I want to hurdle up in a ball and hope no one see’s me, I don’t feel entitled to be in certain places and around certain people.

In the long run no amount of foundation or concealer can truly mask away your insecurities. At the end of the day the make off has to come off and your left with you, the real you, you can never truly hide away from yourself.

I have to learn to truly love me, the WHOLE me, in all its facets, even on a day like today.  I have to come to the realisation that every line, every freckle (not that I really have any but you get what I’m trying to say) is exactly where God intended it to be. My self-worth and your self-worth lies so much beyond the physical.

My favourite line from the movie The Help is

” You is Kind, You is Smart, You is Important”

I really just want to reiterate that YOU are Smart, YOU are Kind and YOU are most definitely Important. All of which are beyond skin deep. You are fearfully and wonderfully made. Yes I know that you may have heard that verse over a 1000 times and it may have become obsolete in its meaning to you, but think for a second about the full weight of what that truly means. You were moulded by the hands of God, you were created with everything you could ever need. That verse later goes on to say about God “Your works are Wonderful”.  Beloved, everything the Lord does, he does it well, he makes no mistakes.

I not afraid to say I am Amazing, and so are YOU!!! It has nothing to do with how I or you might look but how God looks at us. We are his Masterpiece.

I would love it if you could take the time to listen to one of my favourite artist Philippa Hanna new song, which really captures in a better way what I am trying to say.

Finally if no has said it to you today, let me be the first to tell you, you are simply Amazing, just as you are!

Live Your Dream and Wear Your Passion